I'll start from the beginning:
Saturday was a good day but the night of sleep before was terrible, we should have at least had a heads up that it was going to be really quiet so that we could have had the sound of a fan to help us to sleep. I loved the hike, I just wished it was more intense to get me going. But everything else was excellent.
Tetons Mountains |
Sunday, the research practice was very helpful; I don’t think we should have gone walking just to see the trail cameras and where they were. It was good that they explained it to us though so that we wouldn't be lost on what it is. I thought the career options discussion was a good idea because it made me change my mind on what I want to major in college and think about getting an internship.
Sunset Over the Tetons |
Monday, I felt good that day because I knew what I was supposed to do thanks to carefully explained instructions- I also found my first nest on my birthday. The terrain was not difficult at all; I was hoping to get tougher terrain. I enjoyed the winged migration video because it gave me an idea of other species in the world and local and what they go through to survive and we as regular people just see them as birds that have no sense of what they are doing.
Phelps Lake |
Tuesday, the bird banding that day was so cool even though I didn't get to let one go. It was still interesting to see. The field research at JACK was what I wanted to go through in terms of challenging my body. I found two new nests that day and other nests that were already pinned or of different species that we were not studying. I enjoyed the career day- it made me more interested into wanting to find a career in science and be more aware of what is needed for the environment to grow healthy.
Sunshine Over the Tetons |
Wednesday, the field research at Rafter J was exactly what I wanted with tough terrain and hard nests to find. I found two YWAR’s (yellow warbler's) nests with eggs inside but only one was marked. The Laurence S. Rockefeller Preserve was one of the most inspirational trips I've been to. It really spoke to me in a way which can’t be understood just by blindly going through each display. I loved the shops in Jackson Hole except the high prices- I got ripped off for a belt buckle but it was all good.
View of Wyoming from Vogel Butte |
Thursday, the trail building that day was great- I really needed to do some hard labor. The barbecue was pretty good, I met a lot of new people from around the world and other parts of the U.S. (plus I had fans that wanted to take pictures with me). I loved the star gazing. It made me feel at peace, I saw and recognized a few constellations, planets, satellites, and shooting stars. I heard many things at night that I would never here in L.A. such as wolves, owls, and the wind blowing through the woods. I wish I could see this every day, now I definitely want to come back to Wyoming.
Hard Days Work of Trail Building |
Friday, the hike was long, tough, and exhilarating; I was hoping to see bears, moose, or deer but there was no luck. I didn’t get as tired as I expected. I also saw hail for the first time. The view of the landscapes on the hike were amazing.
Phelps Lake |
Saturday, I felt dead in the morning and all day during the research; maybe, if we didn’t have to get up so early because the research was done on campus and not far away. But at least we got the rest of the day off to relax. Now I want to learn how to track smell. It is also a good thing that Benj explained the research project to us right now to find out what we are going to do. But today we saw a deer and it didn't even move when we passed by it.
Dancing in the Rain |
- Photos and Blog by Romario
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